activity series  
  bond energy
  bond lengths

  common names

  conversion factors: energy

  conversion factors: length

  conversion factors: mass

  conversion factors: pressure

  conversion factors: temp.

  conversion factors: volume

  covalent prefixes

  density solver

  diatomic elements

  e-config. chart

  element list

  gas law formulas

  Ka's of polyprotic acids

  Ka's of weak acids

  Kb's of weak bases

  metric conversion chart

  mole conversion chart

  molecular geometries

  organic prefixes

  periodic table

  periodic table (flash)

  pH/pOH converter

  polyatomic ions

  pressure converter

  SI units

  solubility chart

  solubility of salts rules

  solubility product constants

  stoichiometry chart

  temp. conversion

  temp. formulas

  thermodynamic data

  vapor pressure of water
Spontaneous Reactions

Although we can write any chemical reaction on paper, not all chemical reactions will occur. A spontaneous reaction is a chemical reaction that will occur because of the nature of the system, once it is initiated. Note that just because a reaction is called spontaneous, does not necessarily mean that the reaction will happen instantly or quickly. It simply means that the chemical reaction will occur once it is started (once it gets enough activation energy). The Gibbs Free Energy Equation is used to determine whether or not a reaction is spontaneous. The Gibbs Free Energy Equation is: /\G = /\H - T/\S
      /\H = the change in enthalpy (heat energy)
      T = the Kelvin temperature (you MUST convert Celsius to Kelvin, K = ºC + 273)
      /\S = the change in entropy (disorder)
      G represents a quantity called free energy . The letter G is used in honor of the American mathematician J. Willard Gibbs (1839 – 1903) who first showed that the effect of entropy is dependent upon temperature. What you need to know is:
/\G = - (negative), the reaction will occur spontaneously
/\G = + (positive), the reaction will NOT occur spontaneously

For example: Determine whether or not the following reaction will occur at 25°C.
2O3 4Fe + 3O2        /\H = 1644 kJ; /\S = 542 J/K
Before you begin this problem, you have to make sure all of your units match. In this problem I will convert the temperature from Celsius to Kelvin). I will also change entropy from J/K to kJ/K so that /\S and /\H are both in kilojoules.
T = 25°C + 273 = 298 K
/\S = 542 J/K ÷ 1000 = 0.542 kJ/K

/\G = /\H - T/\S
/\G = (1644.4) - [(298)(0.542)]
/\G = 1482.9 kJ Since /\G is positive, this reaction is NOT SPONTANEOUS.
If you think about it, this makes sense. According to the chemical equation, Fe
2O3(rust) would decompose in to Fe(solid iron) and O2(oxygen gas). It would be great for rust to just disappear into solid iron, but unfortunately this does not happen at 25°C. The reverse reaction  4Fe + 3O2  2Fe2O3 has values /\H = -1644 kJ; /\S = -542 J/K. The /\G = -1482.9 kJ and is spontaneous. That is why iron rusts at 25°C.

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